
Walker & Thomas Electrical Ltd has experience with all types of residential work from small alterations to new homes. Our tradesmen have all been trained in the firm and have a very high standard of work. All staff work together well and enjoy their work. This makes a difference on a job as they treat the job as it was their own home and work with the Client to achieve just what they want. This includes giving advice with their experience when it counts. Walker & Thomas Electrical has had a lot of experience with large homes in Wanganui as well as out of town and can work alongside with architects and owners from the design stage through to the finish of work, this requires a good client worker relationship which quickly develops.
Many clients become good friends with a tradesman and so will always use the same person for their work but are still able to draw on others when needed.
We are very good on lighting designs for both inside and outdoor areas. Over many years we have installed all kinds of different lighting and often try out ideas at our own homes so we know what effects types of lighting will provide. With new power saving lighting now available it is very important to seek advice on what types of lighting to buy to keep running costs low while still giving the effect wanted.
You would find it very hard to find a company that could offer a better service than WALKER & THOMAS ELECTRICAL LTD